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Technical Architecture is a Proof-of-Stake blockchain that is scalable and completely compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) . To achieve quick finality, high transaction throughput, and fast block times (~5 seconds), it is built using the CometBFT(a fork of Tendermint Core).

With this design, users can execute transactions in both Cosmos and EVM formats, developers can use IBC to scale EVM dApps across chains, and the network's assets and tokens can come from various independent sources.

These essential functions are made possible by through:

  • Using the Cosmos SDK and other techniques implemented by modules;
  • Putting CometBFT's Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI) into practice to control the blockchain;
  • Making use of geth as a library to encourage code reuse and enhance maintainability.
  • Exposing a Web3 JSON-RPC layer that is completely compatible for interfacing with current Ethereum clients and tooling (Metamask, Remix, Truffle, etc.).

Because of the combination of these functionalities, developers may easily construct smart contracts that communicate with other components of the Cosmos ecosystem by utilizing the existing infrastructure and software in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Cosmos SDK

The Cosmos SDK full composability and modularity are made possible on our chain. may connect to other Cosmos chains via IBC and is a self-governing blockchain with its own native coin. Alongside modules created by the core development team, it incorporates common modules from the Cosmos SDK. To learn more about what each module is in charge of, refer to the list of modules.


A blockchain consensus engine and a general application interface are the two main technical components of CometBFT. The same transactions are logged on all machines in the same order thanks to the consensus engine. The transactions can be handled in any programming language thanks to the application interface, known as the Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI).

CometBFT has developed into a flexible blockchain consensus engine that supports many application states. It may be used as a plug-and-play substitute for the consensus engines of other blockchains because it can duplicate any application. One ABCI application that uses the CometBFT consensus engine to replace Ethereum's PoW is

The Cosmos network is another example of a cryptocurrency application created using CometBFT. By providing a very simple API (i.e., the ABCI) between the application process and consensus process, CometBFT can decompose the blockchain design.

EVM Compatibility

By providing a number of different components that collectively support all of the EVM state transitions and provide the same developer experience as Ethereum, makes EVM compatibility possible:

  • Ethereum's transaction format as a Cosmos SDK Tx and Msg interface
  • Ethereum's secp256k1 curve for the Cosmos Keyring
  • StateDB interface for state updates and queries
  • JSON-RPC client for interacting with the EVM

The EVM module implements the majority of the components. However, some of the components are built outside of the module in order to achieve a cohesive developer UX.

We advise familiarizing yourself with the following ideas if you want to learn more about how accomplishes EVM compatibility as a Cosmos chain:


The core protocol is open to contributions in a variety of forms. We advise you to spin up a local node using the CLI and communicate with it via queries and transactions using the provided clients in order to gain some practical experience.

Then if you're hooked you can